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Q. What is Air Duct Cleaning?

A. Duct cleaning refers to the cleaning of various heating and cooling system components of 

forced air systems, including the supply and return air ducts and registers, grilles and diffusers, 

heat exchangers heating and cooling coils, condensate drain pans (drip pans), the fan motor, 

and the air handling unit housing.


Q. Why should I have my air ducts cleaned?

A.  Your family will breathe cleaner, healthier air.

-It reduces the dust and dirt in your home.

-It improves the efficiency of your heating and cooling system, and save money.

-It Is STRONGLY recommended by the biggest health bodies in the United States, such as the 

American Lung Association, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Indoor 

Air Quality association.


Q. Is It True That Air-Duct cleaning has a life span?

A. yes, it does. Cleaning your air ducts is just like getting your car washed; it will stay clean 

for a period of time, but then somehow manage itself to dirty itself again. Throughout the years, 

debris and the polluted air that travels throughout your house gets into your ductwork and expedites

the creation of mold, mildew, bacteria, and fungus. In a research done by the 

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), on an average of 10,000 households, Indoor

air is 37% more polluted then the air outdoors.


Q. How often should I have my furnace and ductwork cleaned and inspected?

A. Many Furnace and Air Duct Cleaning Companies will tell you that you should have it done annually.

Based on your families health concerns and the environment you live in, Clean Air Ducts will help you

decide how often you should have your HVAC ductwork cleaned.


Q. How long does it take?

A. Clean Air Duct’s technicians along with state-of-the-art equipment will get your system cleaner, in

less time, than other companies. With the powerful Negative Air Flow machine and our professional

heating/air conditioning cleaning methods, most home systems can be clean in an hour or so.


Q. Will you have the equipment needed to properly clean my system when you arrive?

A. Hire a company with a fleet of service vehicles, each supplied with heavy-duty negative air flow equipment

and enough experience and high-scaled reputation to be able to thoroughly clean all your ductwork. Avoid hiring a

company that uses truck-mounted, large, and bulky equipment and is

unable to reach all the components of your heating and cooling system.


Q. Will I have to wait around all day for you to show up?

A. Most companies overbook their technicians, causing frustrating delays that create an inconvenience

for you and your family. Crystal Clean runs enough dependable vehicles and employs enough quality

technicians to stay on schedule. As the EPA suggests, “Make sure you hire a company that is able to offer you

a 1-3 hour arrival time window.


Q. Do your technicians have training or schooling?

A. Many companies in the industry employ untrained technicians and inexperienced office personnel. Crystal Clean

has certified and Well-trained technicians and. Crystal Clean only hires a qualified person that is experienced and

well trained when working on the most important appliance in your family’s home.

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